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$0.8 Million
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Sleep increase post-training

Case Study: Training the Trainer

Case Study: Training the Trainer

Extended hours employees (shiftworkers) face considerable challenges compared to their day-working counterparts, including the inherent physical stress and social conflict of work around the clock. If not properly managed, employee health can be greatly affected, as shiftwork has been associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal disorders, obesity, diabetes, and obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep quality and quantity is often greatly reduced for those working at night, or starting early in the morning. In addition, family and social life can suffer, especially for those who work in the evening or on weekends.

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Working closely with researchers, experienced shiftworkers and their spouses, CIRCADIAN® has developed a highly informative program called Managing a Shiftwork Lifestyle that explores the problems associated with working rotating schedules, night shifts, and long, irregular hours. The program provides practical solutions for easing the day-to-day difficulties associated with shiftwork lifestyles, and adjustments needed to mitigate stress levels and family/social conflicts.

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